Summer at Holy Spirit » Reading Assigments

Reading Assigments

Freshman Summer Reading Choices

Honors: Read all three
Advanced: Choose two
Albom - Tuesdays with Morrie
Anderson - Speak
Wiesel - Night

Reading Assignment Directions Below (Bottom of Page)


Freshman COLLEGE PREP ONLY: There are six assignments that must be completed and submitted on the first full day of school.  This assignment is for college prep students ONLY and it is the only summer assignment for the English Department.  We recommend you do one assignment a week.  For each assignment, follow the directions listed below.  These MUST be handwritten, not typed.


  • Write the name of the passage and the page numbers.
  • The first page of each assignment folder has questions and vocabulary. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
  • The first page of each assignment folder has vocabulary. Using the information on the page, write each word, part of speech, definition, and example. Then, use the word in a different sentence that shows you understand the meaning of the word.
  • There is a question at the top of each reading passage. Answer that question.
  • Read the passage.
  • Thoroughly answer the questions at the end of each selection in complete sentences.
  • Write down any questions you had about the reading passage.


Assignment 1           Assignment 2           Assignment 3   

Assignment 4           Assignment 5           Assignment 6         


Sophomore Summer Reading Choices 

Honors: Read all three
Advanced: Choose two
College Prep: Choose one 
Asgedom - Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy’s Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard
Salinger - Catcher in the Rye
Zusak - The Book Thief

Reading Assignment Directions Below (Bottom of Page)


Junior Summer Reading Choices

Honors: Read all three
Advanced: Choose two
College Prep: Choose one 
Haddon - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Martel - Life of Pi
Orwell - 1984

Reading Assignment Directions Below (Bottom of Page)


Junior Advanced Placement (AP) Language & Composition Reading Assignment
Capote - In Cold Blood
Yousafzai - I Am Malala
Skloot - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Lamott - Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Senior Summer Reading Choices  

Honors: Read Night and two others
Advanced: Read Night and one other
College Prep: Read Night
Capote - In Cold Blood
Hosseini - Kite Runner
Wiesel - Night
Jackson - The Haunting of Hill House

Reading Assignment Directions Below (Bottom of Page)


Senior Advanced Placement (AP) Literature & Composition Reading Assignment


Hansberry - A Raisin in the Sun
Coelho - The Alchemist 
Hosseini - The Kite Runner

Tan - The Bonesetter’s Daughter

How to Read Literature Like A Professor with Review Guide, Foster 


Reading Assignment Directions: 

When you return to school, you will be assessed on the summer reading. For each novel, you will have an essay test, an objective test, or a combination of the two. Your teacher will discuss this with you when he or she reviews the summer reading when school begins. Essays will be graded primarily for content that reflects a basic understanding of the novel that is achieved from reading the book-not from reading the sparknotes or from watching a movie.

Things to think about while reading your novel(s) 

  1. The significance of the title
  2. Summary information such as characters and their roles in developing the plot
  3. Significant events, plot development, important characters, key facts and details
  4. The themes and symbols developed through these significant events, important characters, and key facts and details
  5. Your personal reflections, connections, and assessment of the novel

To prepare for either type of test (objective or essay), you should do the following while reading the book: 

  1. Write down questions about passages that are confusing.
  2. Identify and keep a written chart of main characters and their character traits and flaws.
  3. Chart the plot development.
  4. Underline or note important passages, or things that you think will be important, as you are reading. 

It is very important that you write down SPECIFIC questions you have as you are reading. Noting confusing passages with pages numbers is also very helpful. 


If you have any questions, please email the English Department Chairperson.