School Policies » Attendance


Holy Spirit High School

We believe regular attendance and participation along with the interaction among student and teacher and among students in class are a vital and integral part of the learning process.  Attendance is seen as a means of serving these education ends. Frequent absences from school disrupt the continuity of the instructional process.  Innovative curricular plans and instructional techniques have little value if the student is not in school to take advantage of them.  Chronic absences limit accomplishments and reinforce a habit, which will hinder the individual in future education or employment.  Daily attendance in school and every assigned period is expected of every student. For this reason, it is important that no appointments be made for a student on any school day or for any part of a day unless there is an emergency.


When a student is absent for any reason, the following procedures must be followed:

Daily Procedure
  1. A parent/guardian of the absentee must call the school between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the day of absence to report the reason (646-3000) ext. 333.
  2. On the day a student returns to school, he or she must bring a note, which states specifically the day(s) of absence and the reason for it. This note is to be brought to the Attendance Office. A student who returns without a note will be given a detention after 24 hours.
  3. If a student and/or parent knows in advance that an absence will be unavoidable on a given day, the student should bring a note explaining the absence to the Dean of Students one day before the anticipated absence. If no note is brought, the Dean of Students reserves the right not to excuse the student.
  4. If a student is absent for more than three (3) consecutive days, a physician’s note is required.
  5. If a student is absent for illness for five (5) consecutive days, a physician’s certificate MUST BE BROUGHT to the Dean of Students office on the day of return. This note will be forwarded to the School Nurse.
  6. In cases of prolonged illness (two weeks or more), the parent or guardian is to call the Guidance Office (student’s Counselor) to make arrangements for home study/tutoring (Sect. IV-D).
  7. The 90 minute rule. Any student who is absent more than 90 minutes on a particular day will be marked a half day absent. Any student who is absent for 90 minutes on a given school day may not participate in co-curricular activities, athletic or school-sponsored activities on that day. If the absence or late arrival (after 9:35 AM) occurs on a Friday, the student is excluded from participation in school functions on the following Saturday or Sunday as well. This regulation includes games, practices, rehearsals, and trips.
  8. Parents will be notified by the Dean of Students after a student has six (6) unexcused absences.
  9. After fourteen unexcused absences, a student will be required to participate in the Credit Completion and Student Absenteeism Program.
  10. After a student has accumulated fourteen (14) absences, a student conference will be scheduled with the Dean of Students and a copy of the attendance record will be sent to the parent/guardian. After eighteen (18) unexcused absences, credit may be denied for the year. In such a case, a student will not be eligible for credit completion and must repeat the year in another school.
  11. SENIORS ONLY - Any unexcused absence in the fourth quarter must be made up in the Credit Completion and Student Absentee Program.
  12. Students who drive and are consistently late for school will lose their driving privilege for a designated period of time.
Excused Absences:
  • Bereavement in immediate family
  • Chronic illness (5 or more consecutive school days) verified by a Doctor’s note
  • Documented legal obligations
  • Seniors - Four college visitations verified on college with two (2) allowed during the 4th quarter, if the student has not yet used all four (4). Juniors - Three college visitations
  • Participation in legitimate school activity/field trip
  • Driver’s Test (Behind - The - Wheel classes excluded)
The 90 Minute Rule: Any student who leaves school for more than (2) periods (a total of 90 minutes) will be ineligible for after school activities for that day. This includes practices, scrimmages, and scheduled games. Also, if this situation occurs on a Friday, the student will not be able to participate in any events scheduled over the weekend.


Students must present a note in the Attendance Office stating the reason for lateness to either homeroom or school.

Late to Homeroom: A student is “late to homeroom” when he/she is not in his/her own homeroom when the bell rings at 7:55 AM. Those “late” will be directed to the office of the Dean of Students. Members of the administration/faculty will be located on the first floor for this purpose. These students will be admitted to homeroom only if they have a gold slip from the Attendance Office.

Lateness to homeroom deemed unexcused by the Dean of Students will be sanctioned as follows:
Unexcused Late - 1 general detention
9 Unexcused Lates- Saturday Detention
After 9X, sanction will be determined by the Dean of Students.
Late to School - a student is “late to school” when he/she arrives after the homeroom period. These students must report directly to the Attendance Office. Their attendance record will reflect the following:
Excused Late – until 9:35 with Doctor’s note
Unexcused late - general detention
90 minutes (1/2 day absent)
180 minutes (full day absent)

Any lateness to school which is deemed unexcused by the Dean of Students and would involve missing class(es) could result in the issuance of an administrative detention for “cutting class”. Students who miss a test or quiz due to an unexcused lateness must take that test or quiz that same day.

After six unexcused “lates” to school, the parent/guardian will receive a letter of notification from the Dean of Students. When a student reaches nine unexcused “lates” to school, the offense will be considered serious insubordination.

Please note: After the ninth lateness to school, a student will incur one day in Credit Completion and Student Absenteeism Program. An additional day will be incurred for every three “lates” to school after the ninth. REMEMBER THAT THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DAYS TO BE MADE UP IS EIGHT. This includes days due to lateness or absence.


The Administration discourages early dismissals since academic success closely aligns with consistent attendance in school. However‚ when necessity demands an early dismissal‚ student must adhere to the following policy:
The student requesting an early dismissal MUST present a note before 8:00AM signed by the parent or guardian stating the reason for the request and the day on which dismissal is requested. Students must sign out in the attendance office.
The Dean of Students will determine whether the request will be granted and may phone the parent/guardian to verify the request.
Attendance record will reflect the following:
90 minutes -1/2 day absent
180 minutes -full day absent

Only students who have a supervised activity or permission from a school official may remain in the school building after dismissal. Unsupervised students must vacate the building by 3:15 pm.