Parents » Ways to Help HSHS!

Ways to Help HSHS!

You can make a difference while you shop!

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.

Simply go to, shop and AmazonSmile donates to Holy Spirit High School!
You may also want to add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile every time. 
It’s Easy – Here’s How it Works!
The more scrip you purchase for your everyday purchases and gifts - the greater your tuition credit! Credit you earn for purchases made through the Scrip Program will be applied to your student’s tuition account twice per year - in December and in May.
Two Ways to Order:
1. Please contact the main office at 609-646-3000 for the enrollment code or email [email protected]. Please include the name and grade of your student in the email. When you have received the enrollment code visit and register! Once registered, you can start placing orders. Please put the name of your student/homeroom/and student’s year in the field marked Classroom/Teacher. Extended family members can also set up an account to credit your student!
2. ScripNow - register at, click on “ScripNow” and place your order. Although not all vendors are included, there are great ones like Amazon and Regal Cinemas! This feature allows you to receive your scrip within 30 minutes or less via email to use immediately! Online payment for ScripNow is through Prestopay – see details below!
Two Ways to Pay: Questions? Just email [email protected] for more information!
1. Check: Send a check made payable to Holy Spirit High School for your order to the Main Office with your student by Monday. Please mark envelope with SCRIP, your student’s name and grade.
2. Prestopay: register for Prestopay at When you use Prestopay, your payment is transferred securely via electronic debit from your checking account. It is like writing a virtual check. There is a 15 cents convenience fee per order.
Scrip Delivery: Orders are processed each MONDAY, and orders (with payment) received in the office by noon will be available for pickup the following Friday. You or your child must sign for the gift cards in the main office before they will be released.
Watch your Credits Grow! At you will be able to track your progress and watch your account credits grow!!