Mike McGhee, Principal
Mr. Dennis Smith, Dean of Students
- Academic Achievement
- Standardized Test Results
- Discipline Records
- Recommendations from Elementary Principal/Teachers
- High School Placement Test Results
4 Religion
4 English
3 Social Studies (US History I and II; World History)
4 Mathematics
3 Science (one Biology)
2 World Language (same language)
6 Electives (including computers)
25 Total Units Required
Computer Science
English (Literature & Composition)
European History
Spanish (Language & Culture)
U.S. History
U.S. Government and Politics
Honors English I • Honors American Literature • Honors British Literature • Honors World Literature • Honors World History • Honors United States History • Honors Crimes Against Humanity • Honors Criminal Justice • Honors Geometry • Honors Algebra II • Honors Pre-Calculus • Honors Calculus • Honors Biology • Honors Chemistry • Honors Latin IV • Honors Spanish IV • Honors French V • Honors Music • Honors Art
Crimes Against Humanity (Stockton University) • Criminal Justice (Stockton University) • Survey of Mathematics (Stockton University) • AP Calculus (Stockton University)
97 - 100 A+
93 - 96 A
89 - 92 B+
85 - 88 B
81 - 84 C+
77 - 80 C
74 - 76 D+
70 - 73 D
Below 70 F
Holy Spirit uses the Decile System for academic ranking based on GPA. Decile is based on percentages (i.e., Decile 1 = 10%; Decile 2= 20%; etc.). The 1st Decile is the top 10% of the class; the second decile is the top 20% of the class, etc. GPA is calculated as weighted and unweighted. For weighted GPA, top weight is given to Advanced Placement courses; total points are divided by the number of credits attempted. Unweighted GPA is calculated on a 4.0 scale. Students who transfer to Holy Spirit from another high school have their class rank computed using their grades in comparable subjects from their former school but using the Holy Spirit decile system depending on the grade level.
Recognizing the individuality of each student, Holy Spirit offers an uncompromised, challenging and varied program of Academics, Arts, Athletics and Service to Others. With a curriculum that cultivates understanding, respect and compassion, Holy Spirit students receive the foundation needed for success.
The academic program consists of core courses offered on three ability levels: advanced placement/honors, advanced, and college preparatory. Additional electives are offered in art, business, and music (chorus and instrumental). A Special Education program is also available. The school operates on an eight period day with forty minute classes that meet every day. The school year is divided into two semesters.
Students are further required to perform meaningful service to fellow students, faith communities, and local nonprofit and civic organizations. The goal of Christian Service is to empower students to embrace diversity, grow interpersonal skills, and develop compassion for others in their daily lives. In addition to active service, a reflective paper is required.
Rooted in our Catholic identity, Holy Spirit High School educates and inspires the entire person, mind, body, and spirit, while fostering academic success and a culture of service.
As declared by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, "the education of children and young people is such an important task in forming them as free and responsible human is especially the duty and responsibility of the Church, who is called to serve mankind from the heart of God..."
It is the calling of all those associated with Holy Spirit High School to teach, live, and lead by example with a spirit of Love and Mercy, so that we may develop in our students and each other, minds formed with wisdom and knowledge, hearts filled with grace and understanding, and hands ready to give and to serve.
We are dedicated to providing academics that inspire and challenge; athletics based in integrity, team first and fair play; and service opportunities that address pressing social justice issues, all purposefully designed and inspired with Catholic values as our foundation. We believe in creating an atmosphere of intentional respect and honor for each individual regardless of age, culture, religion, origin or ability - through Christ's love.