Service » Service Requirements

Service Requirements

As part of a full faith formation process, students at Holy Spirit High School are required to participate in meaningful service to others. Students are encouraged and expected to reach out to the needs of their fellow students, their faith communities, local non-profit agencies and civic organizations in the surrounding counties.
The goal of Christian Service is to empower our students to embrace diversity, to acquire better interpersonal skills, and to develop and integrate compassion for others in their daily lives. This program combines active community service with an academic reflective component. The culmination of these experiences will be to instill lifelong habits of community service.
Students will be required to have the contract/documentation form signed by the agency’s contact person who supervised their service hours, as well as, a parent/guardian’s signature. Furthermore, students must complete the Reflection form at the completion of their service commitment. Please note that the service activity may not be rewarded monetarily. The following parameters for Christian Service for each grade levels are stated below.
Parameters for Christian Service according to grade levels:
direct person-to-person(s) service, unrelated by friendship or family. Service with poor, disadvantaged in the local communities (May 31st to March 31st) Minimum hours required: 20
Collaborate in small groups or as individuals to perform works or mercy and social action, in school, faith, or local communities (Food Banks, Soup kitchens, Charity fundraisers) (Sept. to May 17th) Minimum hours required: 15
provide service by supporting HSHS Spirit &Community Outreach endeavors (Sept. to May 17th) Minimum hours required: 12
serve others within Holy Spirit HS community on campus, or participate in their faith/church community, outside of school hours, or assist family members. (Sept. to May 17th) Minimum hours required: 10
Service hours must be completed by the specified date. Both forms (contract and reflection paper) are to be returned completed to the student’s religion teacher on or before the deadline date. Absence is not an excuse for late forms.
Designated hours must be completed before re-admittance to next grade level. For Seniors, the service component is a mandated requirement for graduation.